
Steaming hot commentary on journalism, Tennessee, politics, economics, the war and more...

Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Thumping Thorp
HB takes apart a recent Susan Adler Thorp column in the Memphis Commercial-Appeal in which Thorp ponders why Phil Bredesen isn't decisively defeating Van Hilleary in the Tennessee gubernatorial race. I'm not gonna excerpt much of it here, except the intro, because you should read the whole thing.

Susan Adler Thorp isn't quite in the Internet Age yet. She still thinks that she can blithely write whatever she needs to and trust that the reader's memory of her previous utterances is cloudy at best, or nonexistant. Too bad for her, both the Internet Age and the Blogging Age have arrived. In her most recent column, SAT goes through some amazing contortions while writing about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Bredesen. Let's take a tour...