
Steaming hot commentary on journalism, Tennessee, politics, economics, the war and more...

Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States


More on That NYT Poll
Patrick Ruffini has some more good commentary on today's New York Times story in which the Times tried to spin poll results to deceptively show support was slipping for the war. Ruffini also notes that allied casualties have been light, not that the Times has noticed:

In light of the masochistic drumbeat now underway on West 43rd Street, is it too triumphalist to point out that things went pretty well today - in the face of the most difficult conditions the allies have faced since Wednesday? Amidst one of the worst sandstorms in memory, our troops took a key bridge crossing at Nasiriyia, captured a hornet's nest of Iraqi resistance along with 170 feyadeen Saddam, and blasted away about 200 Iraqi RG/paramilitaries in the toughest fighting of the war so far - without a single reported U.S. casualty. Our greatest loss so far has occurred among noncombat troops in a faked surrender, obviously a situation we will actively seek to avoid in the future. But besides that one incident, allied combat casualties have been surprisingly sporadic and light - with the backstory surrounding those situations usually involving hundreds of Iraqi combat losses.

Good stuff.