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Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Wet Concrete
KnoxNews columnist George Korda has a good analysis of the early days of the Bredesen administration.

If government is reduced, he gains the critical high ground in the perception battle. Early perceptions are like wet concrete. As they harden, they hold fast. The concrete Bredesen is pouring is based on his campaign promise to bring better management to Tennessee’s government. Voters are seeing these factors as the new governor sets up spending reductionst: Bredesen said he would manage, and he’s managing. Bredesen said there would be tough choices, and he’s making them. Had Don Sundquist attacked the problem similarly – and let people see it - he might not have passed his income tax, but he’d be seen in a different light today. Whatever short-term problems these actions may cause Bredesen with different constituencies, in the long run it will pay political dividends with Mr. and Mrs. Average Voter.

I think that's about right.