
Steaming hot commentary on journalism, Tennessee, politics, economics, the war and more...

Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Penciled Out
Instapundit is pointing out this item from Mickey Kaus noting that David Firestone, the New York Times reporter who dredged up the silly Sharp Pencils Incident from Sen. Bill Frist's past and used it to passively accuse Frist of being a closet racist got it wrong about which Ford complained about the quote. It wasn't the ultra-smooth U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr., but his race-baiting daddy. Comments Kaus: "Inspires confidence in Firestone's deep understanding of Tennessee politics, doesn't it?"

Instapundit is also pointing out this story about how Washington Sen. Patty Murray's pro-Osama comments aren't generating the same controversy in the mainstream media as Trent Lott's pro-segregation remarks did - although the Internet and talk radio are blazing with anger over Murray's remarks praising the terrorist leader. And here is a good response to Sen. Murray's idiotic remarks.