
Steaming hot commentary on journalism, Tennessee, politics, economics, the war and more...

Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Blogging: Important to Me, You and Democracy
So says Rocky Mountain News columnist and editorial writer Linda Seebach.

Weblogs are "going to be as important a political force as talk radio," Seebach writes. Blogs are "the Reader's Digest on Internet time, instant, interactive, uncensored access to a dazzle of events and ideas." She cites several examples of how blogs have been used to ferret out the real truth of an evolving story - from the role several sites played in debunking a history of gun ownership in America to one site's gleeful take-down of political documentary filmmaker Michael Moore. Blogs "enforce a certain level of honesty," she says.

That, incidentally, is why this weblog exists. If you want it to continue to exist, please make a donation in the Amazon tip jar.