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Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Drive Time
Most mainstream media will report this data as bad news, when in fact it really just shows that Americans are increasingly able to live where they want to live while still being able to get a good job, afford a nice car, and enjoy a drive through the pretty countryside to get to work.

If your commute to work is long because you sit in traffic jams because government misspent the gas tax revenue and didn't widen the highway, that's an indicator of a problem. But if your commute to work is long because you chose to reside in a small town and drive 50 miles to a job in a nice, leafy suburban office park the edge of the city, that's an indicator of success of the American free enterprise system in providing the variety of choices that make your chosen lifestyle possible.

The story's snarky comments about each minute in a car being "wasted time" is simply hogwash from liberal elitists who can't stand the thought that someone somewhere is going to work today without riding on some dirty, government-subsidized mass transit boondoggle (except themselves, of course.) Liberals don't want you to have a leafy yard and a nice car. Their hope is that one day we all live in government-approved high-rise apartments and take government transportation to government-approved jobs, and pay really high taxes so liberal elites can live out on big country estates and get paid big bucks to administer it all.

But I surely don't consider every minute in my car to be "wasted time." Sometimes, in fact, I fill the tank and just drive around the countryside for fun, going places I've never been or places I've been a hundred times, just enjoying the drive and the driving. Sometimes I take the long way home, just to enjoy the drive, burn a little gasoline and make the world roll by at my own chosen speed. Can't do that on a bus.